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          Hebei Chenggan Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd. is located in Shijiazhuang City, the capital of Hebei Province. It is a whole-process service provider of environmental engineering solutions integrating scientific research and development, engineering design, equipment manufacturing, construction and installation, commissioning and operation.
          The company's business focuses on urban sewage treatment, rural domestic sewage treatment, industrial waste water and gas treatment and other environmental protection sectors, with municipal engineering project design, construction, investment, operation and other modes, to provide customers with a full range of environmental protection professional solutions; To provide professional wastewater and waste gas treatment services for metallurgical power, petrochemical, coal chemical, food and medicine and other industries.

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      1. 武穴市| 手机| 长垣县| 双城市| 岳西县| 郴州市| 搜索| 永和县| 会泽县| 通州区| 大名县| 商都县| 伊吾县| 玛曲县| 丽水市| 聊城市| 永康市| 桐城市| 张掖市| 三明市| 抚顺县| 洛隆县| 靖西县| 和硕县| 响水县| 武宣县| 萍乡市| 浙江省| 台东县| 浦城县| 临沭县| 吐鲁番市| 长春市| 临泉县| 尚志市| 合江县| 寻乌县| 周宁县| 铜山县| 高阳县| 普兰县| http://444 http://444 http://444