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    1. Culture

      Corporate Culture

      誠信      務(wù)實      精益      創(chuàng)新

         Honest           pragmatic       excellence       innovation


      Business Philosophy


      • Vision

        Be Present  Continuous innovation
        Focus on the Future  Become a benchmark enterprise in the field of environmental protection

      • Values

        Honesty in Service  Quality First
        Credibility is important  Management based

      • View of talent

        The force and volume are different
        Wren is focused on performance

      • Bossmanship

        Path of integrity  Strive for perfection  Be innovative
        Forge ahead  Strive for self-improvement  Harmony leads far

      • Enterprise Slogan

        Pragmatic and efficient  Work together
        Honest service  Mutual benefit and win-win


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      1. 萍乡市| 长丰县| 郸城县| 东阿县| 随州市| 怀远县| 博乐市| 台南市| 马尔康县| 云浮市| 沙雅县| 象州县| 墨江| 黔西县| 龙门县| 巴中市| 连平县| 松溪县| 望都县| 高清| 射阳县| 武强县| 冕宁县| 东乡| 榆树市| 汝城县| 台南市| 固始县| 凉山| 绥江县| 乌拉特前旗| 新平| 宣化县| 饶河县| 百色市| 洱源县| 松滋市| 涞水县| 苍山县| 双峰县| 宁德市| http://444 http://444 http://444